Hi folks, Bit of a grim update this time I'm afraid. I've been struggling with some issues for a good couple of months now, mostly mental health and emotional issues. It's gotten to a point where it's starting to control my life and I need to do something to prevent further damage. I'll be booking in a doctors apointment to then get a refrence to get some therepy and counciling so this means that art work will slow down and I may not be as active. To those of you who are looking to collab with me, all I'm asking is that you be patient. I will get your requests finished, it may just take time. Thanks for understanding.
That's unsettling news, friend. :/
I hope all goes well at your appointment, and that you will overcome these issues in good time. I honestly can't imagine what such issues involve, so I'll keep this one short. But do take care of yourself, and hopefully the treatment you receive will resolve all.
Again, take care and you needn't worry about your art 'slowing down'. You've produced some kick-ass art on this site in the short time you've been registered here, and most people will understand that your health comes first.
Thanks very much. I do hope this does help, things are getting difficult.